Technology is a constantly changing, constantly evolving thing. Every year new technologies appear, and there is always something on the verge of becoming mainstream. Take a smart watch, for example. Two years ago it was a prototype, at least four different high-quality smart watches will be produced.

Let’s take a look at other new technologies that are about to become mainstream:

Smart glasses

We’ve already seen it on Google Glass, but this is just the beginning. Despite a lot of press and controversy, Google Glass is a very young product. In fact, all released pairs are beta tests. In a few years Google will release a consumer level version at a much lower price.

It is also very likely that there will be competitors next to Google Glass, which produces smart glasses. At first there will be some who will not like it, but eventually the kinks will be worked out and it will happen.

Smart data

More and more things are becoming automated these days, but there are things that we still have to do manually. Like adding someone to your phone or email contact list. These things are probably going to end soon.

In the above video, a company called RelateIQ is already working on making your relationship management an automated process by automatically creating a contact list based on things like your mailbox and the current contact list, messages, etc.. There comes a point where you just need to ask for a name, and you can immediately create a contact profile without any effort on your part.

Carried Electronics

With the aforementioned Google Glass and the smart watch, we’re already seeing it to some extent, but it’s going to get a lot crazier than that. Smart glasses and smart watches are social devices that connect you to the outside world.

In work, there’s another worn electronics that connects you to your body. We are talking about headphones that measure your heart rate, contact lenses that can measure your blood sugar level, temporary tattoos that can open doors with NFC technology, and all kinds of interesting things.

Once they solve this problem for consumer use, it won’t take long until you start getting options for implants that will track your vital organs in real time, so you’ll know you’re having a heart attack before your heart does. It will save lives.

Smart homes

Once again, this is a thing that’s on the verge of being a real thing. We already have smart appliances like refrigerators that let you know when you’re missing a certain product, or an oven that you can control with your smartphone. Someday in the near future, these things will be combined into a single home device that you can control from your smartphone, tablet or computer.

We’re talking about changing the thermostat, changing the channel on your TV and getting notifications that your laundry is ready without leaving your sofa. You can heat the oven for dinner when you leave work, so it’s ready to be cooked when you get home. There won’t be too much time before your house, so you can talk to him. The technology already exists, it’s just enough to collect everything stable enough for consumers.

Virtual reality games

You nerds are getting ready. Many game fans already know about Oculus Rift, which is a virtual headset that plays video games. It was recently purchased by Facebook, which is actively working to turn it into a social device as well as a gaming device. Samsung is reported to be working independently as well. There will come a time when you can buy one of these headsets, take them anywhere, and watch, play, or watch anything. It’s almost there.

Screenless displays

Screenless displays are what they look like. Displays that show things but no screen. This technology has obviously come a long way in the last two years and is expected to make even more progress in the coming years.

Things like holograms will no longer be science fiction. There may even be contact lenses that shoot images right in the eye. It won’t be just a breakthrough in entertainment, but people who can’t see well can enjoy it for the first time without laser eye surgery.

Brain Computer Interfaces

They actually already exist to some extent. Quadriplegics have used them for years to talk through computers. The technology isn’t as perfect as it could be, but it’s coming. That means that there may be a time in the future when you no longer need a mouse or keyboard. You can just think about things, and they happen on the screen. It’s great for people with disabilities, people who want to be a product.

Universally accessible services

It may seem difficult, but it’s not really because such services exist. You may have heard of Uber. Uber is a taxi service that you can access almost anywhere that Uber has drivers. It is in the US and Europe with more seats being planned. What makes Uber unique is its ability to be a universal service.

There will come a time when you can call the driver of Uber, wherever you are. These types of services, which go beyond borders and continents with the magic of the Internet, will continue to appear.

No matter what language you speak or what country you are in, you will be able to use the same service everywhere. Remember my words, there will be more services like Uber (but for things other than transportation) that will appear when people have more ideas!